The king is dead . . .
Few years ago, I was reading a book, Animal Farm by George Orwell, and on my mind, I could pictualize a constant thought of Algeria, my beloved Dzayer. I suddenly remembered a quote that says «The king is dead, long live the king». This quote has made monarchies and consequently, a country named Algeria.
I was born in the middle of the black decade and I had Liamine Zéroual for president, yet, I was unconscious back then. Few years later, came the King, aka, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Algeria's immobile mommy. And we lived . . .
For twenty years, we survived !
I remember a conversation I had towards the end of 2018 with a Kenyan friend, Kiama, about the political situation of Algeria. Back then, I was convinced that to survive is not that bad. I had this genuine idea of countries' comparison to admit that Algeria is doing well. Meanwhile, it could be doing great but not at a time where myself and my people have been into twenty years, not to say more, of steady intoxication.
Playing with a bottle between his hands, Kiama wanted me to seize the momentum and blossom, like if it was a duty towards Algeria and my people. I saw the circumstances sundrily back then !
Playing with a bottle between his hands, Kiama wanted me to seize the momentum and blossom, like if it was a duty towards Algeria and my people. I saw the circumstances sundrily back then !
February 3rd, around 10 am, I woke up, grabbed my phone and started checking the news feed on Facebook. A sponsored post appeared. It was a call for popular marches on Friday 22nd of February at 2pm, just after the Friday prayer. I started laughing, what a crazy idea. The idea skipped out of my little busy head for that day until the second morning; more posts, different calls, activists mobilization. That was real.
If we go back to before February 22nd, nobody would bet on Algeria, myself included !
February 22nd, 2019
We've said Hello, Good morning to a long time no seen relationship, our revolution. That morning, I was sharing info around my networks, after Internet and VPN shutdown that day, I was afraid that we would die in our own silence ...
This revolution brought us back our dignity and sense of citizenship after political debate monopolism and public spaces rough control, because, for the first time, I could admit that I was surviving under authoritarian dictatorship labeled Bouteflika.
I believe that the human conditioning is a struggle in itself. During the first days of the popular mobilization, I was afraid to scream and shout out loud what I wanted, emm, I was not afraid, but I was shy as my mind became accustomed to the king's reality.
On April 2nd, 2019, The king died, Bouteflika resigns !
The king is dead, long live the king Long live the people !
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