What happened ?
To be honest, I could watch about 8 minutes of the reality show. I got sick. It's like I couldn't digest. It felt intoxication. Ideas, euh, I mean food poisoning.
Supremacy: us / you !
If the general mood during this pandemic is solidarity, Algeria is unique, as usual. Following the usual sense of supremacy, euh, I mean SUPREMACY, the King has interrogated, virtually, the people. The King has expressed the suicidal intentions of the Algerian population, to literally say that " You are the ones purchasing the pandemic. The virus can't walk on its feet." Waw ! The food poisoning started gaining more space into my body, I was impressed by this hilarious strategy of counter-demagogy !
Be patient !
It started feeling like a preach. If the mosques are closed, and also the churches and synagogues -inclusion and living together-, we had a compensation by the leader of the monarchy. Destiny and patience has been evoked. If the COVID-19 is destroying other countries, also named the 5 world powers according to some imaginary statistics without references, it has been gentle to Algeria. Algeria has some privilege apparently.
The poison is going down . . .
And after all, be positive and optimistic, because it's considered as an efficient solution to the pandemic according to renowned holy scientists. And on the other hand, we need to avoid wasting resources. But, let's not worry, the government has resources, but we will use them remotely and gently. OK.
Beggar !
At that moment, the poison was about to get done with my intestines, and I've decided to stop watching.
The King said that our friends in China will give us some stuff. The holy beggar attitude is back !
Oh wait ! We bought them, I mean we have ordered some millions of that stuffs, it's coming. We bought those with money. We have money to buy stuffs. Do not worry, be patient, our order is on its way. We payed for that.
8min 19s. Thank you. No need.
**Note: By the way, the Algerian president had a public interview on TV, it seems interesting. Click on THIS LINK to watch it !
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