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L'Afrique aux Africains | Réponse ouverte à Jean-Paul Mira

« Si je peux être provocateur. Est-ce qu'on ne devrait pas faire cette étude en Afrique où y a pas de masques, pas de traitements, pas de réanimation. Un peu comme c'est fait d'ailleurs pour certaines études dans le SIDA ou chez les prostituées. On essaye des choses parce qu'on sait qu'elles sont hautement exposées et elle se protègent pas. Qu'est-ce que vous en pensez ? » Jean-Paul Mira                                                            Chef de service de médecine intensive et réanimation, Hôpital Cochin - France Mr. Mira, je vous dis monsieur et je vous vouvoie et je ne cherche point à être provocatrice, parce que je n'en vois nullement l'intérêt. Je vous parle dans votre langue pour que vous puissiez assimiler tout ce que je vous dirai, ou du moins, l'essentiel de ce que j’écrirai. Je vous écris ...
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COVID-19, Politics & Algeria

What happened ? To be honest, I could watch about 8 minutes of the reality show. I got sick. It's like I couldn't digest. It felt intoxication. Ideas , euh, I mean food poisoning. Supremacy: us / you ! If the general mood during this pandemic is solidarity, Algeria is unique, as usual. Following the usual sense of supremacy, euh, I mean SUPREMACY, the King has interrogated, virtually, the people. The King has expressed the suicidal intentions of the Algerian population, to literally say that " You are the ones purchasing the pandemic. The virus can't walk on its feet." Waw ! The food poisoning started gaining more space into my body, I was impressed by this hilarious strategy of counter-demagogy ! Be patient ! It started feeling like a preach. If the mosques are closed, and also the churches and synagogues -inclusion and living together-, we had a compensation by the leader of the monarchy. Destiny and patience has been evoked. If the COVID-...

On revolution and music in Algeria

What to sing ? I called him that night, December 12th around 11 pm. I said that someone elected a president for Algeria, and asked if it was the end. We went in rounds, and then he told me that at least now we have a great playlist, he said the music of revolution. I went back . . .  (Hey, make sure to click on the text in bold and italic, or you'll miss the fun) In 2013, I wrote blog posts on Volta Ao Mundo Musical , a musical journey that I've started with dear Lucas, and he wrote about Songs of revolution , and it's only now that I remember that Idir was on that list. But, if we reconsider the 2019 Algerian music around the revolution and how it could gather around popular aspiration, it becomes a duty to honor and celebrate those lyrics continuously. The list of holy artists that will come below in non-exhaustive, nor should be read in a specific order but this is the logic that comes to my mind at the moment ! Let's follow my rhythm then . . .  ...


Algeria, December 4th, 2019 Tomorrow will be Thursday 5th, a week to the SHAME ELECTIONS. What we have started on February 22nd, 2019 may take an end in a week of time. 7 days can be here to erase the efforts of the past nine months. O n April 2nd, 2019, the ex-president, Abdelaziz Bouteflika resigned, and that was the first victory of this popular movement, a first step into the tunnel, but yet the struggle has continued. You can not imagine how hard it can be to talk about the situation in Algeria at the moment, as we are afraid to face a dead end. It has taken us courage and resilience, 20 years of courage under a corrupt regime, 20 years of dictatorship to get conscious that we deserve better; the people and the country. 41 Fridays, 41 Tuesdays, are the statistics of the systematic protests since February 22, 2019. The system, the regime, what we call the system , has decided, at a specific deadline, to organize elections on July 4th with results t...

Are you African ?

April 2019 | Addis Ababa Airport Sometimes in life, you feel nothing, NONE  facing the most credible mathematical equations. If we truly believe in the future of the African continent, we should outstrip the basic stigmatization around colour, ethnicity and gender. When a black African interrogates you in the endless Ethiopian Airlines queue just because you're too white to be African , nay not African enough  to his too  sophisticated taste, you're supposed to justify your position, show your passport, say something . . . Otherwise, he will win his own game ! Because, on the other hand, he is a true African , a guaranteed version . But, on my hands  ears, all what I had was the Africa map earrings to state something as I had nothing to prove. Fortunately for me, or not , I had to skip the queue to board, the plane to Frankfurt was leaving in less than 15 minutes . . .  None is out of danger ! When the smile revolution disturbs some corners, ...

Long live the people !

The king is dead . . .  Few years ago, I was reading a book, Animal Farm  by George Orwell , and on my mind, I could pictualize a constant thought of Algeria, my beloved Dzayer . I suddenly remembered a quote that says « The king is dead, long live the king ». This quote has made monarchies and consequently, a country named Algeria. I was born in the middle of the black decade  and I had Liamine Zéroual  for president, yet, I was unconscious back then. Few years later, came the King, aka, Abdelaziz Bouteflika , Algeria's immobile mommy. And we lived . . .  For twenty years, we survived ! I remember a conversation I had towards the end of 2018 with a Kenyan friend, Kiama,  about the political situation of Algeria. Back then, I was convinced that to survive is not that bad . I had this genuine idea of countries' comparison to admit that Algeria is doing well. Meanwhile, it could be doing great but not at a time where myself and my people have bee...